Wednesday, April 25, 2012

watch this apricot

Sharing a piece of me.

It took me awhile but I found the perfect one! I want to share my watch! It is a BCBG automatic gold rose watch. As you can see, it has a white trim with crystals going around it with no particular pattern. The most beautiful thing about this watch, aside from everything else, is being able to see through it and see the gadgets in working motion. It is a beautiful and timeless watch that I'll never get bored of. One of my most gorgeous investments from BCBG. 

Along with my watch, I want to share my cropped BCBG apricot blouse. The colors on the watch and blouse blend flawlessly together. This is my kind of way to styleTHIS. It has a mandarin collar and two front pockets with flaps. This shirt is one of my favorite buys from BCBG because of the versatility it brings and the color it leaves. I always tie the draw string to give the bumble finish. It is very comfortable blouse and I can pair this blouse with black leggings as shown, a black power skirt, dark denim or white bottoms. It is great for spring, summer or fall.  In the words of the Black Eyed Peas, "I just can't get enough."

What's your favorite watch? Blouse? Fashion finding? Share it. 
I hope you've enjoyed this small but oh so special blog. 

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